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Medicare Advantage

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Medicare made for you

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Medicare Advantage

Medicare Advantage plans are Medicare approved plans offered by private insurance companies designed to BUILD on provisions of the Federal health insurance plan (parts A & B). They allow you to tailor your insurance plans to suit your individual needs.

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Why Medicare?

As we grow older it is inevitable that our healthcare expenses increase. In recognition of this the Government underwrites the Medicare health insurance program. MEDICARE provides basic emergency and preventative care for all Senior Citizens. The program is flexible enough to allow individuals of any age to tailor plans to meet specific needs.

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All Round Protection

Medical, hospital, homecare, Medicare Advantage makes it possible. ‘Advantage’ plans are individually designed. Once agreed, you cannot be refused renewal.

TrueCoverage will help to find the policy which suits you.

Understanding Medicare Advantage

Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I consider a Medicare Advantage plan?

The risk of any unexpected illness-related costs whether medical or care related, increases as we grow older. Advantage plans enable you to protect yourself during your lifetime from the expenses not covered by Medicare, for example, deductibles, co-shares, co-insurances or prescription drugs.

How do I get started?
Check with your local Social Security office to make sure of your position and consider the alternatives; Original Medicare (A and B) are mandatory but you can choose the plan type that suits your needs.
You can add the Medicare advantage plan (C) and if you anticipate the regular use of prescription drugs most Medicare advantage plans provide you this but if they do not, you should consider plan (D).
Check your recent history of medical service usage. Can you reflect this in you Medicare planning?
Contact a private health insurance marketplace such as TrueCoverage for expert and unbiased advice and a free quotation based on your personal circumstances.
How much does it cost?

Medicare Part A (Hospital insurance) is funded by payroll taxes and services are generally available without paying a monthly premium. (you must of course be registered)

Medicare Parts B, C, and D are paid through a monthly premium determined by your choice of plan, i.e. your agreed deductibles, co-pays and co-insurances.

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This website is operated by TrueCoverage and is not the Health Insurance MarketplaceSM website. In offering this website, TrueCoverage is required to comply with all applicable federal laws, including the standards established under 45 CFR 155.220 (c) and (d) and standards established under 45 CFR 155.260 to protect the privacy and security of personally identifiable information. This website may not display all data on Qualified Health Plans (QHPs) being offered in your state through the Health Insurance MarketplaceSM website. To see all available data on QHP options in your state, go to the Health Insurance MarketplaceSM website at

Also, you should visit the Health Insurance MarketplaceSM website at if:

    • You want to select a catastrophic health plan.
    • You want to enroll members of your household in separate QHPs.
    • The plans offered here don’t offer pediatric dental coverage and you want to choose a QHP that covers pediatric dental services or a separate dental plan with pediatric coverage. Pediatric dental services are an essential health benefit.

TrueCoverage offers the opportunity to enroll in either QHPs and off-Marketplace coverage. Please visit for information on the benefits of enrolling in a QHP. Off-Marketplace coverage is not eligible for the cost savings offered for coverage through the Marketplaces.

If you’d like assistance in another language please dial 1-888-505-1815
If you are visually impaired, please visit the Federal Marketplace.

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