Perhaps you are concerned that a friend, a relative, or yourself are showing signs of having problems with forgetfulness, problem-solving, or communication. Like weakening muscles, stiffening arteries, muscle wastage, and age-related memory failings, these symptoms may seem part of normal Aging.

What are the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease

  • Even if they are part of the normal aging process, you are right to be concerned. It would help if you looked for signs of the following:-
    • Memory loss
      • Names
      • Places
      • Objects
    • Frequently repeating themselves
      • asking the same question
    • Becoming less willing to compromise
    • Hesitant to experiment
      • Adapt to change

These symptoms are typical of Aging and generally become apparent around age 65. Suggest a checkup with their care advisor if you notice them in someone younger or if they seem to advance rapidly.

Alzheimer’s is an irreversible, progressive brain condition that affects memory, thinking, and behavior. As the symptoms develop slowly, it is not always easy to recognize the problem.

With time, the symptoms become more apparent to relatives and friends and have a more disruptive effect on the sufferer and their carers.

As the disease progresses, the sufferer may experience some or all of the following:-

  • Confusion and disorientation
  • Delusions
  • Difficulties with speech and language
  • Obsessive or repetitive behavior
  • Frequent mood changes and unnecessary anxiety

Is Alzheimer’s disease the same as Dementia?

Dementia is not a specific disease. It is a generic term for the conditions which impair the brain’s memory functions, the ability to think, make rational decisions, and interfere with everyday activities. Over six million Americans live with dementia, which is estimated to cost the nation over $300 billion yearly in Medicare and long-term care costs. One in three seniors dies with dementia. Alzheimer’s disease accounts for 60-70% of all identified cases of dementia).

What causes Alzheimer’s

Research shows there is no single cause of Alzheimer’s disease. But scientists have determined that several factors increase the likelihood (risk) of an individual developing the disease. Some of these factors are beyond our control—others we can influence. In the first group, we find


Although it is not a direct cause, Aging is a significant factor. The vast majority of people with the disease are 65 and older. Between 65-74 yrs, the risk of Alzheimer’s is 5% and 10% beteen75-84 13%. By age 85, the likelihood of having the disease is one in three.

-Family history

Anyone with a close relative with Alzheimer’s (parent, sibling) is more likely to develop the illness. The cause may be genetic (inherited) or the consequence of a shared environment,e.g., diet, tobacco usage, either active or passive.*

Among ethnic groups (65 and older), Black Americans are at the highest risk, at 19%, Hispanic at 14%, and White Americans at 10%.

*Alzheimer’s disease is neither infectious nor contagious.


There are two gene types associated with Alzhiemer’s-deterministic-the genes that cause the disease (less than 1% of Alzheimer’s cases) and the risk genes, which increase the chances of the disease developing.

The second group consists of those factors we can influence through our lifestyle and health management choices.

Although Alzheimer’s is a neurodegenerative disease affecting the brain’s memory function, the brain cells depend highly on blood supply. Studies have shown heart disease, stroke, diabetes, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure increase the risk. There also indicate links between head injury, brain damage, and the future risk of Alzheimer’s disease.

Alzheimer, is there a cure? Can Alzheimer’s be prevented?

There is no cure for Alzheimer’s, nor can it be prevented.  However, the risks might be reduced.

The crucial factors are identifying the symptoms and taking medical advice early.  The sooner the condition is diagnosed, the greater the opportunities to decrease or slow its development.

What steps can we take to reduce the risks of developing Alzheimer’s?

Scientific evidence shows that healthy lifestyle habits can reduce the risk of worsening memory problems and allow a longer, more independent, and fulfilled lifestyle.

CDC (Centers for Disease Control) lists 8 WAYS TO IMPROVE (OR MAINTAIN) YOUR BRAIN HEALTH

  1. BY QUITTING SMOKING, you can reduce the risk of diabetes and heart disease 
  2. Manage blood sugar levels (if you have diabetes).
  3. Prevent and manage high blood pressure.
  4. Prevent and manage high cholesterol.
  5. Achieve and maintain a healthy weight.
  6. Drink alcohol only in moderation.
  7. Get enough sleep.
  8. Maintain social interaction and involvement.

CDC offers comprehensive advice on Alzheimer’s disease and Healthy Aging (,

The most crucial step is to obtain an early diagnosis and take advantage of the time to prepare for the  All chronic conditions are costly, both medication and healthcare.  No health insurance plan will cover the entire cost, but it makes sense to research the insurance plan most suited to your needs.  Consult a qualified health insurance broker.You can also seek to join a clinical trial as a patient, caregiver, or healthy volunteer.  A trial may give you access to cutting-edge treatment and expert medical care.  It may also provide some satisfaction that trials like these will lead to the end of Alzheimer’s.  (Alzheimer’s Association,

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