Information Library
Information about Insurance.
Affordable Health Coverage Options for the Unemployed
Are you unemployed? You may now be able to get an affordable health insurance plan through the Marketplace, with savings based on income and household size. Free or low-cost...
What Does it Cost to have a Baby in a Hospital?
Nearly 4 million women in the United States will give birth annually and in 2020 alone, approximately one in nine U.S. women of childbearing age was uninsured. If you are...
Biden Looks to Fix the “Family Glitch” in the Affordable Care Act
The Biden administration recently announced a proposal from the U.S. Treasury Department to fix an issue that has existed in the Affordable Care Act (ACA) since its inception,...
What is Alopecia? (Hair Loss)
For many, the pop culture debate regarding the slap heard round the world at this weekend’s Academy Awards ceremony has resulted in more questions than answers. Today we will...
Understanding Developmental Disabilities in Children
Anyone considering starting a family, expecting a child currently, or just watching their current children grow will at some point worry about any possible developmental...
Millions to Lose Medicaid & CHIP Coverage as COVID-19 Emergency Ends
Due to the COVID-19 public health emergency, the Families First Coronavirus Response Act was passed in March 2020. This bill required states to halt their standard eligibility...
Stay Heart Healthy for American Heart Month
February is American Heart Month. But just what is the difference between a heart attack, heart failure, stroke, and how are they affected by conditions such as heart disease...
Congenital Disability (Birth Defect) Prevention
Have you ever seen a list of ways to get healthy in the New Year? Bet you have. There are lots of them. Most of them will tell you to start a new trendy and complicated diet,...
Why CHIP (SCHIP) Health Insurance Is Essential for Your Children
In the year 1999, the Bipartisan Congress finally came out with a solution to help 10 million children of America. Most of the children in the U.S. lacked health insurance...