Very few of us live our lives without needing medical care either for ourselves or our family. From first to last, from birth to end-of-life care, we depend on the trained expertise of nurses, doctors, and consultants to enable us to survive the early years of childhood diseases, the traumas and risks of modern life, and the costs of care in later life.

Health insurance is not compulsory. But over 90% of the US population has health insurance coverage. Why do so many of us choose to insure ourselves and our loved ones?

We do not have to look far. Those monthly deductions or premium payments are constant reminders of what we pay. We should remind ourselves of the benefits and examine ways to maximize the return on our investment. First, let us look at the three groups of benefits we enjoy from having health coverage for ourselves and our loved ones.

‘Peace of mind’ Benefits

However well you plan, the unexpected can upset them. Peace of mind comes from knowing you do not need to panic. Your health insurance eases concern about the medical and care costs you and your family might incur during day-to-day living or a sudden traumatic event such as a domestic, sporting, or traffic accident.

Peace of mind comes from knowing who to turn to with your medical concerns.

Not having health insurance may make accessing the ER and other emergency services more challenging when needed. Peace of mind comes from knowing you are entitled to appropriate medical care.

Financial Benefits

The critical function of health insurance is to protect individuals from the financial implications of accidents or unexpected illnesses (acute or chronic).

The significant financial benefits of ACA-compliant health insurance plans are threefold.

  1. On household incomes of up to 400% of national income, there are federal or state subsidies on premiums that, in many cases, reduce the premium (monthly payment) to zero.
  2. The insurance companies (the ‘carriers’ who pay the bills) negotiate prices for medications and prescription drugs and favorable medical procedures and services fees with ‘in-network’ providers.

The result is that you pay less for your premium, less for doctor visits, and less for procedures and medication.

  1. All ACA-compliant plans limit your out-of-pocket expenses, which is essential when a diagnosis, e.g., cancer, can result in costs running into tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Health Benefits

  • Knowing that you have access to a network of providers is an encouragement to seek medical advice and receive the appropriate, affordable care – including prescription drugs that would be unaffordable to most American citizens.

ACA-compliant plans cover preventive services at no additional cost, which include vaccinations and screening.

For example, depending on your age, you may have access to no-cost preventive services such as:

The best health insurance plan

At every stage of life, from pre-natal through adolescence and adulthood to old age, the medical and care professions provide the support we need to deal with illness, disease, traumas, acute and chronic, and the degenerative effects of aging.

Together with a general increase in prosperity, less air and industrial pollution, and improved health and safety at work, the advances in medical science and their delivery have extended the average lifespan in the United States by more than 30 years (during the 20th and the first two decades of the 21st century.)

The US’s current life expectancy (from birth, LEB) is 84.1 years. An increasingly significant measure is the Healthy Life Expectancy (HALE), which is 77.6 years.

These numbers are averages, but they can guide how long you might expect to live in good health and how to plan for your future well-being.

The best insurance plan for you to add more years to a healthy life is in your own hands, AND it is free; it may even save you money.


Preventive counselling (see Health Benefits, above) can only benefit you if you put words into action.    Enroll in your personal healthcare program! Here are five ideas to adopt to increase your Healthy Life Expectancy.

  1. Keep Active.

Choose something you enjoy doing and do it more regularly, even if it is as simple as walking.

  • Eat more fruit and Vegetables.

Losing weight is good, but a healthy diet is more important. The Mediterranean diet (whole grains, legumes, nuts, fish, and olive oil) has a proven record of reducing the risk of heart disease, cancer, and diabetes, and you may lose weight as well!

  • Cut out all forms of nicotine and reduce alcohol. (see footnote)

Smoking (all forms of nicotine) increases the risk of many deadly diseases, the most common of which is lung cancer.

Even one drink a day for women (two for men) raises the risk of heart conditions, liver disease, and various cancers.

  • Try to get enough unbroken sleep.

Regular sleep is a key factor throughout life, especially with age, when people need more. Experts recommend 7-9 hours of quality sleep. Napping may be good for you, but try to make sure you go to bed at the same time every night and rise at the same time every morning, even if you still feel tired. Your body clock will soon adjust.

  • Take care of your chronic conditions.

If your doctor has diagnosed you with a chronic (long-lasting) condition, take comfort; you are not alone. The CDC reports that over 48% of American adults suffer from hypertension (high blood pressure), 40% have high cholesterol and 38% have prediabetes.

Any of the lifestyle suggestions we have made will help to manage or avoid these chronic conditions. Still, in some cases lifestyle changes are not enough on their own and prescription medicine is necessary. Following your doctor’s advice and adopting some or all of these ideas can help you live a longer, healthier, and happier life.


Nicotine and alcohol are doubly dangerous because they are highly addictive AND ritualistic. When you feel like smoke or a drink, find something to do with your hands. Unwrap a banana, peel an orange, or keep a bag of nuts handy. Replace the ritual and conquer the addiction.

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