Enroll in an ACA compliant health insurance plan!


To ensure that you and your loved ones have coverage in 2020 that takes advantage of state and government reliefs and subsidies to which they are entitled.

All compliant coverage will protect you and your dependents from the extremes of medical and care costs.


As soon as possible and definitely before DECEMBER 15th (there are a few state extensions; check with your health insurance exchange)

For most of us OPEN ENROLLMENT (through an exchange (Federal, State or Private) is the only opportunity, time and place, to secure the tax relief, and cost-sharing reductions which make healthcare AFFORDABLE. Over 80% of US citizens receive tax relief.  Don’t miss out on the benefits to which you are entitled!



  • If you are enrolling for the first time take advantage of the marketplace exchanges (for example TrueCoverage) to understand your options. 
  • Exchanges are independent, unbiased and their services are free. Most importantly, your details are entirely confidential
  • If you are planning to ‘rollover’ i.e. renew with the same insurer, take the opportunity to look at the alternatives.  Take a second opinion! It will be FREE but it may save you $THOUSANDS
    • Your circumstances have changed!  We all get older! You now know more about your recent medical costs, your prescription drug needs, future possible medical interventions
    • Your insurers (carriers) may have altered their terms, they may not have high star ratings for service.  Perhaps you can find coverage that is better administered or has a network more suited to your anticipated needs


First off, go to HealthCare.gov for details of your state Health insurance exchange AND one or more private exchanges.

CHOOSE – make the calls

Be armed with the answers to their questions (they are very straightforward)

  1. Your age?
  2. Your location (Zipcode)? This will identify State variations in OPEN ENROLLMENT CLOSURE DATES and THE LOCAL SERVICE PROVIDER OPTIONS
  3. Do you need an individual or family plan?

Have a note of the ages of your dependents

4. Do you use tobacco?

You cannot be refused a medical plan whatever your answer but it may affect your premium and possibly your co-insurance terms. (this varies from state to state)

Second, put some time aside for research.  Say 30 minutes to talk to your state exchange and ONE (at least) private exchange.


Finally, on most exchanges you can complete your enrollment ON-LINE or with the assistance of A QUALIFIED NAVIGATOR.


Every family wants the Health insurance that best meets their needs. Each insurance company strives to offer them the coverage which best meets their expectations.

You are faced with millions of options.  Your NAVIGATOR can expertly point you in the right direction, help you to the decision that best suits you and your dependents’ needs.

Call us now

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